Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Looking for Teams

We are looking for 5 to 6 person teams for a Sheep to Shawl competition at the Pagosa Fiber Festival. Winners will receive free passes to the Pagosa Hot Springs. If you are interested, contact Linda at 970-884-0502 or e-mail smjam9@aol.com for more information.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Toast

Thanks to Sheila for opening her house to the Wild Woolies in February!  Stay tuned for future plans...

Friday, February 17, 2012

February Meeting

Saturday, Feb. 25, 10 am

The February gathering of the Wild Woolly Spinners will be held at Sheila Niblick's house in Rafter J on Saturday, Feb. 25, from 10 am 'till the usual, about 2 or so...
Bring your spinning and a chair.
Show & Tell is always fun -- show off your latest work of art so we can all ooh and ahh.
I plan to make a big pot of posole so bring whatever you'd like to go with or without that.

If you need directions or any other information, please email: spintime@hotmail.com

Looking forward to it!