Friday, June 15, 2012

It has been a busy and warm spring! Hope that it has been productive for everyone.

We haven't had a lot of interest in a picnic for the June meeting so back to our old standby. We'll meet at the Animas Museum (in Durango at 31st and West 2nd) on Saturday June 30 from 10 am to 2pm. Bring a lunch or we can go down to Zia's and bring something back--hope it isn't too hot to eat outside on the picnic tables. The museum just opened an exhibit of antique quilts you might be interested in (and some of our members helped to prepare for display). Hope to see you there!

If you are looking for something fibery to do the weekend before we spin, check out "Sheep is Life" on June 22 & 23. All of the info is on their website at

In July, Pam Ramsey out at La Plata Farms is hosting a dye workshop there on the last Saturday of the month, July 28 and since a bunch of Wild Woolly's are attending, we won't meet to spin. There is still room in the workshop, but contact Pam (970-749-5485, or email soon if you are interested in attending. Here is the scoop:

A full day featuring 2 complete workshops Paula Seay: Exploring Natural Dyes using Madder, Cochineal, Lichen, Onion Skins and more. A discussion and hands on half day workshop utilizing popular and readily available dye stuffs. You will leave this workshop with a number of sample skeins and the start of a dye notebook. Karen Dearing: Dyes from Southwestern plants, half day workshop Karen will take you through harvesting, processing, and preparing dye baths using the plants native to the 4-Corners area. You will have sample skeins to take home.

Cost: $75, includes lunch, drinks, coffee, a morning snack and both workshops (1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon) materials fee of $5 additional includes all your sample yarns, dye stuffs and use of equipment, pots and stoves and a sample notebook to take home.

Special! For $90 plus materials fee, you can add an evening plant walk with Karen to identify local plants and end the day with a lamb dinner! Featuring La Plata Farms sustainably raised lamb.

Pre-registration is required by July 10, 2012. Print out the form below and mail it with your payment -- please fill out completely.
Address: ________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________
Alternate Phone:___________________________
Workshops plus materials fee $80 ____________
Workshops, materials, plant walk and dinner $95______________
Total Enclosed:_____________
Please check which one you are doing: checks made payable to La Plata Farms, mail to LPF, 1281 CR 123, Hesperus, CO 81326. Please call 970-749-5485 with questions or to register and pay by credit card.